pavilion end club
Athletic Luxury Redefined

Experience the Excellence

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Swimming in an olympic size pool

Dive into the aquatic wonder in the Olympic Size Swimming Pool, a pinnacle of sporting excellence. Catering to all levels of professionals- from beginners to athletes- enhance your body rejuvenation.
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Gaming arena

Enter the arena where digital pulses are higher than ever, and virtual worlds are becoming reality. We are on a mission of building a strong community of gamers, who are fueled by adrenaline!
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Explore the Sports arena

Either you are a beginning or seasoned athlete, improve your craft by indulging in physical sports; accompanied with an encouraging atmosphere. Built with state-of-the art facilities and amenities. Let’s work on your fitness goals!
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Hit the gym

Elevate your lifestyle by working out at our State-of the art gym facility, equipped with international standard machinery, equipment, and expert trainers. Achieve optimum body fitness and build a lifestyle that is a dream of many!
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